Friday, August 25, 2006

The War Tapes

Another new documentary is in Southern Colorado for a limited engagement. The War Tapes is a documentary shot by three National Guardsmen who shipped out to Iraq in 2004. According to Wired news,

Director Deborah Scranton described War Tapes as the result of a "virtual embed." She gave cameras to 10 Iraq-bound soldiers, and then used e-mail and instant messaging to provide them with advice on technique and technical issues.

By the end of their yearlong tour of duty, the soldiers, all from New Hampshire's National Guard, had sent Scranton 800 hours of what she considered thoughtful, often beautifully shot, footage.

"They became journalists," Scranton said. "This isn't like soldiers making home movies. This was a process, a conscious effort for us to together tell the experience of what it means to go to war."

The film is showing at Colorado Springs Carmike 19, 1550 Pulsar Drive.

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